Worlds die. Our own world is in such turmoil that we wonder whether we can live in hope. Through the gospel, the Father gives us a hope that is not simply a desire or expectation for future good.
Hope is our present possession because God is our present possession. As members of Christ who is our Hope, we form a community of hope, dispersed in hope to share the mission of Jesus.
In God of Hope, Peter J. Leithart writes about the nature of hope in the wake of a pandemic and massive economic and political changes across the globe. The world has changed, dramatically. Christianity is no longer a “Western” religion, as the world is no longer a Western playground.
In light of such changes, Leithart shows how the Bible's vision of hope surpasses common understandings of hope as an optimistic feeling or human virtue.
Hope is God’s own life, and our hope is the effect, the excess, the overplus of the work of the God of hope in us. Through the gospel, we become people of hope, dwelling in and indwelt by the God of hope.
God of Hope reckons with what it means to be saved. We are not only set back on track toward the glory of new-creation life, but also being given now the substance of future glory, as Christ our hope lives in us by His Spirit.
Through us, He brings His Father’s promises to reality, until the knowledge of the Lord covers the earth as the waters cover the sea.
CLICK HERE: Theopolis Explorations Series
The Theopolis Explorations Series builds on the four volumes of the Theopolis Fundamentals Series. Each Explorations volume brings the Theopolitan vision to bear on a particular biblical, liturgical, cultural, or missional topic. Theopolis Explorations are well-researched but not academic, elegantly but not popularly written, thorough but not exhaustive. The authors do not claim to speak the final word on the issues they examine, but aspire to offer a helpful word to strengthen and embolden the church as she carries on the mission of King Jesus in today’s world.
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